Bibliografie van embryo-logisch

Bibliografie van embryo-logisch

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Bibliografie van embryo-logisch uit eigen bibliotheek.

Wetenschappelijke literatuur:

Babic, M. (1991). Development of the notochord in normal and malformed human embryo’s and fetusses. Int. J. De… BioI. 35: 345.352 (1991). Zagreb: Universiteit Zagreb Croatie.

Bordoni, B., Zanier, E. (2015). Understanding Fibroblasts in Order to Comprehend the Osteopathic Treatment of the Fascia. . Hindawi Publishing Corporation,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Boulin,J.,Morgan,J.M (2005) The development of cardiac rhytm. Heart 2005;91:874–875. doi: 10.1136/hrt.2004.047415

Carmeliet, P. (2000). Mechanisms of angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. Nature America inc, 389-395.

Freeman, B. (2003). The active migration of germ cells in the embryos of mice and men is a myth review Reproduction (2003) 125, 635–643.

Hall, B. (2008). The neural crest and neural crest cells_discovery and significance for theories of embryonic organization. Halifax NS Canada, B3H 4J1: Department of Biology, Dalhousie University.

Human reproduction, volume 29, supp 1 2014. (2014). Munich, Germany: European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

Norwitz, E., Schust, D., Fisher, S. (nov 2001). Implantation and the survival of early pregnancy. Bew England journal of medicine vol 345 no19, 1401.

o’Rahilly, R., Müller, F. (1981). The first appearance of the human nervous system at stage 8. Davis: University of California.

o’Rahilly, R., Gardner, E., Gray, D. (1956). The ectodermal thickening and ridge in the limbs of the staged human embryo’s.

Risau, W. (1995). Development and differentiation of endothelium. Bad Nauheim: Max Planck institute.

Rosenfeld, D (2016) Morphogenesis of 3D vascular networks is regulated by tensile forces

Dekel Rosenfeld, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1522273113 (abstract)

Vermeij-Keers, C.(1983) Cerebro cranio facial and cranio facial malformations. Universiteit Leiden.

Wal, van der, J. (1988). The Architecture of the Collagenous Connective Tissue in the Musculoskeletal System. Maastricht.

Yamada et Al. (2010). Development Atlas of the early first trimester human embryo DOI 10.1002/dvdy.22316 2010. Kyoto: Wiley-Liss inc

Shaping Microbiota During the First 1000 Days of Life 2019

biologogy of the first 1000 days, Taylor and Francis group 2018

The human microbiome and child growth–first 1000 days and beyond robertson2018

en nog heel veel meer….

Vakliteratuur en aanbevolen boeken:

Die entwicklung des menschen für der geburt. Ivar Broman 1927

Development of the limbs, body-wall and back in man Bardeen 1901

Textbook of embryology Baily 1909

The ontogeny and fylogeny of the Sternum  Keibel and Mall  1919

Manual of Human Embryology   Keibel and Mall 1912

Hans J. ten donkelaar. Klinische anatomie en Embryologie

Bie, G. v. (2011). Embryology Early Development from a Phenomenological Point of view. Driebergen: Louis Bolk instituut.

Blechschmidt, E. (1979). Zo begint het menselijk leven. Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn.
Blechschmidt E. Vom ei zum embryo, Die gestaltungskraft des menschlichen Keims 1968

Campbell, A., Fishel, S. (2015). Timelapse embryology. NewYork: CRC Press.

Carlson, B. (2015). Human embryology and developmental biology. Philidelphia: Elseviers/ Saunders.

Ulrich Drews. Color atlas of embryology  1995

Murray Brookes, Anthony Zietman. Clinical Embryology , a color atlas

Alain Auberville. Motility in Osteopathy, from embryology to clininical practice

Womb awakening, initiatory wisdom from the creatrix of life.

Darwin, C. (1859). On the origin of species. Kent: Public domain.

England, M. (1996). Life before birth 2nd edition. London: Mosby-Wolfe.

Freeman, B., Blechschmidt, E. (2004). The ontogenic basis of human anatomy. California: North Atlantic books.

Gasser, R. (1979). Am J Anat. 1979 Apr;154(4):509-24.Evidence that sclerotomal cells do not migrate medially during normal embryonic development of the rat.

Gasser, R. Evidence that some events of mammalian embryogenesis can result from differential growth, making migration unnecessary. Opgehaald van

Gasser, R., Blechschmidt, E. (2012). Biokinetics and Biodynamics of Human Differentiation. California: North atlantic books.

Jamie A Davis. Life unfolding

Janina Wellmann. The form of becomming

Grossinger, R. (2000). Embryogenesis: species gender and identity. Berkeley, California 94712: North Atlantic Books.

Grossinger, R.(2003) Embryo’s galaxies and sentient beings. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.

Heineman, M. (2008). Obstetrie en gynaecologie, de voortplanting van de mens. Maarssen: Elsevier.

Hinrichsen, K. (1993). Human embrylogie. Berlin: Springer.

Liem, T. (2004). Cranial Osteopathy principles and practise, english edition. Curchill Livingstone: Elsevier.

Liem, T. (2015). Morphodynamik in der Osteopathie. Blumenplatz 2, D-79400 Kandern: Trias.

Moore, K., Persaud, T., & Torchia, M. (2013). The developing Human clinicaly oriented embryology 9th edition. Winipeg: Saunders Elsevier.

Morree, J. (2009). Dynamiek van het menselijk bindweefsel, functie, beschadiging en herstel (5 ed.). Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Myers, T. (2010). Anatomy Trains 2nd edition. Churchill , Livingstone: Elsevier.

o’Rahilly, R., Müller, F. (1987). Developmental stage in human embryo’s. Washington: Carnegie institution of Washington.

o’Rahilly, R., Muller, F. (2001). Human embryology and teratology. New-York: Wiley-Liss.

Paoletti, S. (2006). The Fasciae, english edition. Seatle: Eastland Press inc.

Rohen, J. (2010). Functional morphology. Erlangen: Adonis Press.

Rohen, J. W. (2011). Funktionelle Embryologie. Schattauer Gmbh.

Sadler, T. (2015). Langman’s medical embryology 13th edition. Philidelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Schleip, R., Chaitow, L., Huijing, P. (2012). Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body. Chuchill, Livingstone: Elsevier.

Schoenwolf, G., Bleyel, S., Brauer, P., & Francis-west, P. (2009). Larsen’s Human Embryology. Elsevier.

Schultz, R., Feitis, R. (1996). The endless web. Berkeley, California: North atlantic books.

Stecco, C. (2015). Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System. Churchill, Livingstone: Elsevier.

The Heart circulation Branco Furst (2020)

Vakgerichte artikelen toepassing:

46 artikelen en Embryologische onderzoeken van Erich Blechschmidt van 1935 tm 1985

Cook, A. (2013).  Nerves and the embryological fluid force. Hummingbird.

Freeman, B. (1994). The human embryo’s use for itself. Sydney NSW 2052, Australia: The University of NSW.

Freeman, B. (1999). Opgehaald van Drawing anatomy.

Freeman, B. (2010). Embryology from a biodynamic perspective 6DVD. United Kingdom: BioBook.

Huntington, G. (2013). Human peritoneum and abdominal cavity 1903. Opgehaald van The Gutenberg project:

Quaegebeur, E. (2013). Op de grens van levensvatbaarheid. Opgehaald van Vrij Nederland:

The potency of embryology. (2010). Sutherland cranial college magazine issue 32, all.

Wal, van der, J. (1988). De spraak van het embryo een fenomenologie van het embryonale bestaan.


Blechschmidt Collection. Opgehaald van UNSW embryology:

Blechschmidt Collection Göttingen. Opgehaald van Wikimedia commons:

Carnegie stages. Opgehaald van UNSW embryology:

Embryo on beweging: Jaap van der Wal

Gasser, R. (1975). Atlas of Human embryo’s. Opgehaald van EHD:

Hill, M. UNSW. Opgehaald van UNSW embryology:

Hill, M. UNSW embryology. Opgehaald van Embryology online education and research website:

Kyoto collection. Opgehaald van UNSW embryology:

Molecular Biology of the Cell. Opgehaald van Garland science:

Wat is genetica. Opgehaald van Centrum voor medisch genetica:

The multidimensional Human embryo

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